The optimal structures of TM 0m -TM 0(m+1) mode converters on the periodic and arbitrary irregular sections of circular waveguides with the use of blockmatrix sweep techniques and minimization Nelder-Mead algorithm are simulated.
IntroductionSymmetric TM 0m modes of high power relativistic Cherenkov amplifiers and oscillators have a relatively high radial index m. To excite such TM 0m modes at the system input one needs some types of TM 01 →TM 0m mode converters of high performance. The output also needs usually a chain of converters, because direct radiation of TM 0m mode into open space is resulted in undesirable 2m-lobe radiation. In that case the numerical modeling of effective TM 0m →TM 0m+1 and TM 0m+1 →TM 0m mode converters is an actual problem for high power devices.