Abstract. In a factorial domain every nonzero element has only finitely many prime divisors. We study integral domains having nonzero elements with infinitely many prime divisors.Let D be an integral domain. It is well known that if D is a UFD then every nonzero element has only finitely many prime divisors (see e.g. [G]). This is also true if D is a Noetherian domain, or more generally, if D satisfies the ascending chain condition for the principal ideals (ACCP). Indeed, if some nonzero element d ∈ D has infinitely many (mutually non-associate) primes p n , then the principal ideals d/p 1 · · · p n D form a strictly ascending chain. Moreover, the element d cannot be written as a product of irreducible elements, say d = a 1 a 2 · · · a m , because then each p n is an associate of some a j , a contradiction; so D is not even an atomic domain. We call a domain having nonzero elements with infinitely many prime divisors an IPD domain. Examples of IPD domains are not hard to find. For instance, the ring E of entire functions, that is, complex functions which are analytic in the whole plane, is an IPD domain. Indeed, by [G, page 147,, if a, b are distinct complex numbers, then z − a, z − b are non-associated prime elements of E and if (a n ) is an infinite sequence of distinct complex numbers with |a n | → ∞, there exists 0 = f ∈ E divisible by each z − a n . The subring A of Q[X] consisting of all polynomials with constant term in Z is an IPD domain as well, because every prime p ∈ Z is prime in A and p divides X (see also Proposition 2). The IPD domains appear in [MO] under the name of non-GD(1) domains. In [Co], an example of a non-IPD domain whose integral closure is an IPD domain is given.In this note, we study some transfer properties for the IPD domains and indicate some constructions producing IPD domains. First, we describe the IPD domains of type A + XB[X] (Proposition 2). Here, when A ⊆ B is an extension of domains, A + XB[X] is the subring of B[X] consisting of all polynomials f whose constant term is in A. Then, we investigate the possible connections between D being an IPD domain and its integral closure (or its complete integral closure) being an IPD domain (see Propositions 7, 9 and 11).Throughout this paper, all rings are commutative and unitary. For basic results and terminology our reference is [G].Let A ⊆ B be a domain extension and A + XB[X] be the subring of B[X] consisting of all polynomials f whose constant term is in A. Our first aim is to describe the IPD domains of type A + XB[X].2000 Mathematics Subject Classification : 13A15, 13B22, 13F05, 13G05.