“…Its XRD structure ( Figure 6) confirmed that the molecule arises from the insertion of the Ge atom of 1 into the AuÀCl bond of the gold precursor, resulting in ac omplex containing aP GeP pincer chloridogermyl ligand attached in aT -shape mode to ag old(I) atom (the originalT HT ligand was displaced from the gold atom). Comparing the AuÀEd istances in ZEZ-pincer T-shaped gold(I) complexes (Figure7), the Au1ÀGe1 distance of 5,2 .7639 (7) , is similar to the AuÀSb distances of the CSbC complexes of Gabbaï et al,2 .7694(8)a nd 2.7486 (7) , [23] much shorter than the AuÀSb distances of the PSbP complexes of Gabbaï et al, which are in the range 2.995-2.932 , [24] and longert han the AuÀBd istance of the PBP complex of Inagaki et al, [25] 2.521 (2) ,t he AuÀNd istances of the CNC complexes of Bezuidenhout et al,2 .325 (2) for Ar = 2,6-bis(isopropyl)phenyl (Dipp) and (2),P t1ÀP2 2.360 (2),P t1ÀGe1 2.3140 (8), Pt1ÀCl2 2.364(2), Ge1ÀCl1 2.209(2), Ge1ÀN1 1.864 (7), Ge1ÀN2 1.852 (7);N1-Ge1-N2 101.4 (3), N1-Ge1-Pt1 122.3 (2), N2-Ge1-Pt11 17.9(2), N1-Ge1-Cl1 101. 3(2),N 2-Ge1-Cl1 100.0(2), Cl1-Ge1-Pt1 110.72 (6), Ge1-Pt1-Cl2 169.10 (6), P1-Pt1-P2 168.84 (7), P1-Pt1-Ge1 90.79 (5), P2-Pt1-Ge1 88.61 (5),P1-Pt1-Cl2 91.70 (7),P2-Pt1-Cl2 90.97(7).…”