ABSTRACT© F e r r a t a S t o r t i F o u n d a t i o n . Collectively, these data suggest that ZIP14 may not only function during iron overload to take up NTBI, but also under normal or iron-deficient conditions when cells take up iron via endocytosis of transferrin. The aim of the present study was to determine how iron deficiency and overload affect the expression of ZIP14 and DMT1 in the liver, pancreas, and heart. The localization of ZIP14 in liver and pancreas was also determined. Knowledge of where ZIP14 is expressed in these organs and how ZIP14 and DMT1 are regulated in vivo by iron will help us to better assess the contribution of these transporters to tissue iron uptake.
Design and Methods
Animals, diets, and non-heme iron determinationRats were made iron-deficient, iron-adequate, or iron-loaded as described previously. 10 Briefly, weanling (21-day-old) male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed modified AIN-93G purified diets containing iron at 10 ppm (iron deficient, FeD), 50 ppm (iron adequate, FeA), or 18,916 ppm (iron overload, FeO) for 3 weeks. Male Zip14 (Slc39a14) knockout and wild-type control mice maintained on the 129+Ter/SvJcl x C57BL/6 background 11 were analyzed at 6 weeks of age. Male and female hypotransferrinemic (hpx) mice and wild-type controls maintained on the BALB/cJ background were analyzed at 16 weeks of age. Homozygous hpx mice were given a weekly intraperitoneal injection of human apo-transferrin (0.6-1.8 mg) (EMD Chemicals). All mice consumed a commercial rodent diet containing 240 ppm iron (Teklad 7912, Harlan Laboratories). At the end of the studies, animals were anesthetized with vaporized isoflurane and sacrificed by exsanguination via the descending aorta. Tissues were harvested, immediately frozen in liquid nitrogen, and stored at -80°C until use. Animal protocols were approved by the University of Florida Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Tissue non-heme iron concentrations were determined colorimetrically after acid digestion of tissues.
Generation of ZIP14 antibodyRabbit anti-ZIP14 antiserum was generated against peptide ENEQTEEGKPSAIEVC corresponding to amino acids 138-153 of rat ZIP14. Antibodies specific to the ZIP14 peptide immunogen were affinity purified by using a peptide-agarose column of SulfoLink coupling gel (Pierce).
Sample preparation and western blot analysisThe preparation of samples and western blot analysis are described in the Online Supplementary Design and Methods.
Transfection, immunoprecipitation, and enzymatic deglycosylationEffectene reagent (Qiagen) was used to transiently transfect HEK 293T cells with either empty pCMV-Sport2 (control) or pCMV-Sport6 containing rat ZIP14 cDNA. To immunoprecipitate ZIP14, anti-ZIP14 antibody (400 mg) was covalently linked to AminoLink Plus Coupling Resin (Thermo Scientific) and added to a Pierce Spin Column according to the manufacturer's protocol. Immunoprecipitations were performed using the CoImmunoprecipitation Kit (Pierce) according to the manufacturer's instructions. To assess protein glycosylati...