From a solution of the problem of magnetic moments of the nuclei 3H and 3He, two properties are obtained: -These nuclei have mixed orbital ground states. -These states are not charge symmetric. The first property is expected to hold also for baryons in the quark model, on account of recently measured magnetic moments. Supporting evidence and implications for baryon structure are discussed.Long ago an analysis of the magnetic moments of the A=3 nuclei 3H and 3He led to the conclusion that these moments could not be understood in terms of a mixed orbital ground state, which is dominantly an S-state [1]. For the pure S-state ,,~s) _ ,, P~3H --k~p and ,,(s) _ ,, which values deviate from the mea-/~3He --/~n sured moments by -6.2 % and + 10 % respectively. The measured moments lie outside the Schmidt corridors [2,10]. Thus the A = 3 nuclei definitely do not consist of a spinless core (pn) plus one (S-state) valence nucleon. A solution could almost be obtained at the price of P-state probabilities greater than 15 %. This outcome was considered unacceptable on grounds based mainly on model-dependent binding energy calculations [1,2]. It was thought more reasonable to assume that "exchange moments", due to virtual currents, are responsible for the discrepancies. The anomaly of the nucleon magnetic moments was speculatively interpreted in a similar way [1,2]. The quark model for baryons has lifted this anomaly, leaving the task of finding an interpretation in terms of quark magnetic moments and quark structure of the nucleon [3]. At the same time however the proposed way out of the problem of the A = 3 nuclei is jeopardized. Recently the quark model approach of baryon magnetic moments in its early form [4] has been seriously challenged by improved measurements of hyperon magnetic moments [5]. The predicted values for the Z § -and cascade -hyperons differ from the experimental results by about three standard deviations. The differences vary between 15% and 30~o of the measured values. They are large and significant. For the nucleon moments a significant deviation was known since long, but since it is small* this caused no great concern: the ratio #p/#, equals -1.46, is predicted to be -3/2 [3,4], and the experimental accuracy is better than 1 ppm [6]. Just as was the case with the 3H, 3He magnetic moments, all baryon-moment discrepancies result from an assumed S-state structure. A comprehensive discussion of the baryon-moment problem in the quark model is due to Lichtenberg [7]. There, following Franklin [3], the mixed orbital state hypothesis was envisaged as one of the conceivable solutions. Making use of a non-relativistic approximation, it was shown that the nucleon moments could in fact be understood, but at the price of admitting "a rather large admixture in the nucleon wave function of configurations with orbital angular momenta different from zero", and the subject was not pushed further along this line. Since alternatives [8] introduce more arbitrariness, exchange moments being far less plausible in the quark m...