Decision making is vital in complex sporting tasks but is difficult to test and train. New technologies such as virtual and augmented reality offer novel opportunities for improving decision making, yet it remains unclear whether training gains using these new approaches will improve decision making on-field. To clarify the potential benefits, a clear conceptualization of decision making is required, particularly for invasive team sports such as football, basketball and field hockey, where decisions are complex with many possible options offered. Therefore, the aim of this position paper is to establish a framework for the design of virtual and augmented environments that help invasive team sport athletes to train their decision-making capacities. To achieve this, we propose a framework for conceptualising ‘natural’ decision making within the performance environment in invasive team sports that views decision making as a continuous cyclical process where the ball carrier interacts with teammates to create ‘windows of opportunity’, and where skilled decision makers often delay decisions to create time, and in turn new opportunities, rather than necessarily selecting the first option available to them. Within the framework, we make a distinction between decision making and anticipation, proposing that decision making requires a series of on-going anticipatory judgments. Based on the framework, we subsequently highlight the consequences for testing and training decision making using virtual and augmented reality environments, in particular outlining the technological challenges that need to be overcome for natural decision making to be represented within virtual and augmented environments.