a b s t r a c tIn fulfilling customers' orders, one of the goals of tactical supply chain planning is to satisfy the customers in terms of delivery efficiency, delivery quantity accuracy and on-time delivery. These performance ob jectives can b e impacted b y the way firms plan each of the three phases of the supply chain: procurement, production and distrib ution. Though the link b etween each of these phases and supply chain performance has b een studied in extant literature, very few authors have considered all three phases at the same time. By adopting an integrated approach, this paper therefore aims to study the manner in which, taken together in one model, the planning determinants of the different phases impact on supply chain performance. It is important for managers to understand, from a holistic and integrated perspective, how a given comb ination of the planning determinants of the supply chain functions impacts positively or negatively on the performance of the supply chain. To carry out this study, this paper starts b y proposing an integrated framework that is b ased on the SCOR model and the customer order decoupling point (CODP), followed b y a five-step methodology for tactical supply chain planning. Then, using an analytical model and simulations, and b ased on a numerical example, it shows how the proposed methodology can b e applied in a given decision-making situation. Our results enab led to identify the worst and the b est comb inations of planning determinants.