The aim of this research is to identify the needs of teachers providing science education to visually impaired students and their students and to develop various solution proposals based on these needs.The study involved 1 Science teacher, 2 Special Education teachers, and 10 visually impaired students from a state primary and middle school in the center of Erzurum province. The research design followed a qualitative approach with a case study design. The data collected were analyzed using content analysis.The findings revealed that the needs of teachers providing science education to visually impaired students fall into two themes: needs arising from the teacher and needs influenced by external factors. Similarly, the needs of visually impaired students were categorized into two themes: needs arising from the students themselves and needs influenced by external factors. Teacher-related needs included the need for concretization and description, material design, individualized instructional selection, technological proficiency, and the ability to activate sensory organs. External factors affecting teachers' needs included the need for materials, laboratories, reference books, appropriate training, in-service training, parental cooperation, and personalized curriculum. Student-related needs encompassed education environment and methods, technology and assistive tools, family support and counseling services, physical accessibility in the school environment, alternative and augmented communication in education, and psychosocial support. External factors affecting students' needs included social interaction, academic motivation, academic achievement and exam anxiety, special education and counseling services, note-taking and organizational skills, and daily living skills.