This article discusses model-building scenarios including anti-D3-/D7-branes, in which supersymmetry is broken spontaneously, despite having no scale at which sparticles appear and standard supersymmetry is restored. If the branes are placed on singularities at the tip of warped throats in Calabi-Yau orientifold flux compactifications, they may give rise to realistic particle spectra, closed-and open-string moduli stabilisation with a Minkowski/de Sitter uplift, and a geometrical origin for the scale hierarchies. The paper derives the lowenergy effective field theory description for such scenarios, i.e. a non-linear supergravity theory for standard and constrained supermultiplets, including soft supersymmetry-breaking matter couplings. The effect of closed-string moduli stabilisation on the open-string matter sector is worked out, incorporating nonperturbative and perturbative effects, and the mass and coupling hierarchies are computed with a view towards phenomenology.