In the context of bivariate random variables pY p1q , Y p2q q, the marginal expected shortfall, defined as EpY p1q |Y p2q ě Q 2 p1´pqq for p small, where Q 2 denotes the quantile function of Y p2q , is an important risk measure, which finds applications in areas like, e.g., finance and environmental science. Our paper pioneers the statistical modeling of this risk measure when the random variables of main interest pY p1q , Y p2q q are observed together with a random covariate X, leading to the concept of the conditional marginal expected shortfall. The asymptotic behavior of an estimator for this conditional marginal expected shortfall is studied for a wide class of conditional bivariate distributions, with heavy-tailed marginal conditional distributions, and where p tends to zero at an intermediate rate. The finite sample performance is evaluated on a small simulation experiment. The practical applicability of the proposed estimator is illustrated on flood claim data.Next, a uniform convergence result is needed for the joint conditional distribution of pY p1q , Y p2q q. This condition reflects the asymptotic behaviour of the conditional copula. Let R t py 1 , y 2 |xq :" tPpF 1 pY p1q |xq ď y 1 {t, F 2 pY p2q |xq ď y 2 {t|X " xq.Assumption pRq For all x P S X , we have as t Ñ 8 and h Ó 0 that R t py 1 , y 2 |xq Ñ Rpy 1 , y 2 |xq, uniformly in y 1 , y 2 P p0, T s, for any T ą 0, and x P Bpx 0 , hq.Note that Assumption pRq could also be formulated in an alternative way as follows: for all x P S X and py 1 , y 2 q P r0, 8s 2 ztp8, 8qu, we have as t Ñ 8 and h Ó 0 that R t py 1 , y 2 |xq Ñ Rpy 1 , y 2 |xq, uniformly in x P Bpx 0 , hq, with x Ñ Rpy 1 , y 2 |xq being a continuous function. This would then imply the uniformity of the convergence in py 1 , y 2 q P p0, T s 2 . Also note that Assumption pRq is a stronger version of the first order condition in Cai et al. (2015), since in our context the convergence must be uniform in a neighborhood of x 0 , because of the local estimation. We also have the additional Assumptions pHq and pKq, due to the