We propose a novel framework to investigate lead-lag relationships between two financial assets. Our framework bridges a gap between continuous-time modeling based on Brownian motion and the existing wavelet methods for lead-lag analysis based on discrete-time models and enables us to analyze the multi-scale structure of lead-lag effects. We also present a statistical methodology for the scale-by-scale analysis of lead-lag effects in the proposed framework and develop an asymptotic theory applicable to a situation including stochastic volatilities and irregular sampling. Finally, we report several numerical experiments to demonstrate how our framework works in practice. J for some universal constant c 4 > 0, hence we obtainWe rewrite the target quantity as, we obtain (35) by the dominated convergence theorem once we prove Ξ J (i 1 , i 2 ) → 0 for any fixed i 1 , i 2 . By Lemma 7 we haveWe can take sufficiently large r such that 2/r < 1 − κ. Then we haveJ )|X]| r ] = O τ 1−2/r J L 2 log 2 τ J r/2 = o(1) by Lemma 12. This yields the desired result. N τ J by the triangle and Schwarz inequalities. Therefore, the Markov inequality yields P max l∈L + J |I J (l)| > ε ≤ ε −1 l∈L + J I J (l) 2 2 N 2 τ J for any ε > 0, hence max l∈L + J |I J (l)| → p 0.Noting that L 2 τ J → 0, we can prove max l∈L + J |II J (l)| → p 0 in an analogous manner to the above.Next we prove max l∈L + J |III J (l)| → p 0. For any k ∈ I m,N (i) we haveWe can prove max l∈L + J |IV J (l)| → p 0 in an analogous manner.Now we prove max l∈L + J |V J (l)| → p 0. By Lemma 14 and the boundedness of σ 1 and σ 2 , we haveψ 1 → 0 by assumptions. This especially implies that max l∈L + J |V J (l)| → p 0. Finally, by Lemmas 4(b) and 8 we have max l∈L + J |VI J (l)| = o p (M J · τ −1 J τ m · τ J ). Since M J = O(τ −1 m ), we obtain max l∈L + J |VI J (l)| → p 0. This completes the proof.
Completion of the proof of Theorem 2We need the following auxiliary result:Lemma 15. Λ −j D(λ)Π(λ)e