We present the study of the magnetic properties of well-characterized epitaxial half metallic La 0:7 Sr 0:3 MnO 3 films grown onto vicinal SrTiO 3 (001) substrates with different miscut angles. Room temperature high resolution vectorial Kerr magnetometry measurements have been performed at different applied magnetic field directions in the whole angular range. The films present a substrate-induced uniaxial (twofold) magnetic anisotropy originated from in-plane [110]-oriented elongated structures, whereas the strength of this anisotropy increases with the miscut angle of the substrate surfaces. Our results demonstrate that we can artificially control the magnetic anisotropy of epitaxial films, up to 120 nm thick, by exploiting the substrate-induced anisotropy. We also determine in this case the minimum vicinal angle required to get well-defined uniaxial magnetic anisotropy. In cubic crystal symmetry epitaxial magnetic thin films the competition between the biaxial (fourfold) and the additional uniaxial (twofold) anisotropies can result in a magnetic reorientation, which depends on many parameters, such as substrate step density, 1,2 thickness, 3 angle of deposition, 4 and even the temperature range. 3 The biaxial and uniaxial anisotropies originate from the crystal symmetry and substrate-induced anisotropy, respectively. By resorting to the fabrication of artificial heterostructures, 5 thin films, 6-8 and superlattices, 9 we can exploit the symmetry breaking in order to control and tailor the magnetic properties of the materials, and, therefore, alter both magnetization easy and hard axes, and reversal processes. 10 Half metallic La 0:7 Sr 0:3 MnO 3 (LSMO) manganite, showing both a Curie temperature above 300 K and an almost 100% spin polarization, is of particular interest for the engineering of spintronics devices operating at room temperature (RT) such as read-heads magnetic hard disks and nonvolatile magnetic memories. 11 In this system, the substrate induces tensile or compressive strain to the film depending on the film-substrate lattice mismatch, determining in-plane or out-of-plane easy magnetization directions, respectively. 12 In particular, in LSMO/SrTiO 3 (STO)(001) an in-plane biaxial magnetic anisotropy ascribed to the substrate-induced in-plane tensile strain is generally observed. 12,13 Moreover, by using vicinal surfaces we can fabricate artificially periodic stepped surfaces with in-plane magnetic anisotropy. 14 In vicinal substrates, the surfaces are intentionally misoriented to a (near) low index surface, therefore determining surface step edges. In such a way, the high symmetry of the low index surface is broken and an additional uniaxial anisotropy is expected. 15 In-plane uniaxial magnetic anisotropy at RT already has been reported in 25-and 7-nm-thick LSMO films deposited on very low miscut STO substrates (0.13 and 0.24 ). 3 More recently, some of the authors reported on a well-defined uniaxial magnetic anisotropy in LSMO film, up to 70 nm thick, deposited on 10 vicinal STO(001) substrate....