The activation gap ⌬ of the fractional quantum Hall state at constant filling =1/3 is measured in a wide range of perpendicular magnetic field B. Despite the full spin polarization of the incompressible ground state, we observe a sharp crossover between a low-field linear dependence of ⌬ on B and a Coulomblike square root behavior at large B. From the global gap reduction we get information about the mobility edges in the fractional quantum Hall regime. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.74.165325 PACS number͑s͒: 73.43.Fj, 71.10.Pm, 72.25.Dc In recent years the increased mobility of two-dimensional electron systems ͑2DES͒ has allowed for the experimental investigation of the fractional quantum Hall effect ͑FQHE͒ 1,2 at relatively small magnetic fields. In this regime the interplay between interactions and the electronic spin yields interesting properties of either the ground state or the excitation spectrum of the system. Quantum phase transitions between differently spin-polarized ground states have been predicted and experimentally observed for several FQH states while varying the perpendicular magnetic field B.
3-12In parallel, the theoretical understanding of the FQHE has been considerably deepened by the introduction of composite fermions ͑CF͒, 13 quasiparticles made of one electron and two magnetic flux quanta. The correlated many-electron problem in high magnetic fields can be interpreted in terms of weakly interacting CF in a smaller effective field, offering a unified theory of the compressible and incompressible electronic FQH states. The former are mapped onto CF Fermi liquids, 14 while the latter are viewed as the integer QHE of CF.One of the main experimental signatures associated to the incompressible FQH states is a thermally activated longitudinal resistivity, xx ϰ exp͓−⌬ /2T͔, with the associated finite activation gap ⌬. An accurate determination of ⌬ is therefore crucial in order to test the predictions of the CF theory on the spectrum of incompressible FQH states and to extract the quasiparticle effective parameters. Early measurements of ⌬ vs B revealed the importance of disorder and finite thickness of the 2DES in reducing the gap with respect to the numerically calculated one. 15 However, the limited experimental range of variation of electron densities and mobilities allowed only a few data points for each incompressible state. Detailed measurements of the activation gaps in the low-B regime were recently performed for filling factors =2/3 and 2 / 5 on high mobility samples. 16 The linearly vanishing gap close to their spin-polarization quantum phase transition highlighted the importance of the quasiparticle Zeeman energy in the spectrum at relatively small magnetic fields.In this paper we present a detailed analysis of the activation gap for the paradigmatic FQH state at fixed filling factor =1/3 in a very wide range of purely perpendicular magnetic field. We clearly observe a sharp crossover between two regimes: a linear B dependence for small magnetic fields and a ͱ B dependence for higher field...