Research with the aim of Implementing the Outsourcing System in the Perspective of Sharia Law. Case Studies at the Employee and Human Resources Agency (BPSDM) of Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta to better know how the outsourcing agreement system in the perspective of sharia law is then used for the welfare of an outsourcing employee. This type of research is included in qualitative research that comes from interviews and data observations. The data source of this research consists of primary data sources, namely researchers directly conducting interviews with the parties concerned in the outsourcing agreement system and aspects of the outsourcing system in the perspective of sharia law, researchers also use secondary data sources, namely books, articles and reference materials. other. The results of the study explain that in an effort to prosper employees, outsourcing workers are in accordance with existing agreements and according to the primary, secondary, and tertiary needs of outsourced employees with the provisions according to fiqh science, namely ijarah and wakalah.