Data to Care (D2C) uses US public health surveillance data to identify persons with diagnosed HIV who are not receiving adequate medical care. These persons are linked to care and ancillary social services through personalized outreach. We conducted semistructured interviews with 36 adults with HIV in Louisiana who were engaged for the first time or reengaged back into HIV care through D2C efforts. Before D2C program staff contact, nearly 40% were not contemplating HIV care. Program clients cited barriers to HIV care, including difficulties with appointment scheduling and transportation, health care service and drug costs, low motivation, and competing non-HIV health needs. Thirty-four of the 36 clients said that D2C staff helped them overcome these barriers. Clients also described psychosocial support from D2C staff. After receiving D2C program assistance, more than 90% of clients reported consistently receiving HIV medical care and taking medications. Our findings suggest that D2C staff successfully identified client needs and provided tailored assistance.