This study examines the pervasive artificial intelligence skill shortages in regional, remote, and rural Australia, highlighting the unique challenges these areas face in effectively utilising artificial intelligence technologies. These non-urban regions are experiencing a digital divide, characterised by reduced access to key infrastructure and limited post-secondary educational opportunities. Utilising the Australian Skills Classification system, this research delineates the current skill sets required for artificial intelligence implementation, revealing pronounced deficiencies in these communities. The study finds that the lack of accessible training opportunities further exacerbates this skill gap. The research employs visual mapping analysis to illustrate the distribution of artificial intelligence-related educational opportunities and industry impacts across non-metropolitan areas. Findings indicate a significant disparity in artificial intelligence training availability, with qualifications predominantly concentrated in urban areas. The study also identifies specific skill shortages in artificial intelligence-related professions both nationally and regionally, particularly in industries such as pharmacology, social work, psychology, and transport analysis. This research underscores the urgency of bridging the digital divide to ensure equitable skill development across Australia, providing a foundation for future policy development and educational initiatives in non-urban areas.