The purpose of this research is to evaluate factors affecting effectiveness of internal training of commercial banks in Vietnam. Internal training is as very critical factor on the performance of commercial banks or in any other financial institution. Hence, the aim of this study is to identify issues of employee training and how it affects the performance and development of the bank. A sample of 215 employees who obtained training from 9 commercial banks of Vietnam was surveyed using a structured questionnaire. Data was captured and processed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) which is a well-used computer package in research to calculate effectiveness of study and programmers by performing a variety of statistical analyses and procedures. Research results show that the factors such as, development of overall skills, reduction of stress level, development technical skills, need-based training programs, helpful in the long run, and quality of the instructor are the important factors for the development of training effectiveness in commercial banks of Vietnam. This study suggests that the commercial banks should focus more on reduction of stress level, development technical skills, needbased training programs, helpful in the long run, and quality of the instructor that affect the effectiveness of the training programs operated by the commercial banks of Vietnam.