Organizations thrive on attaining and sustaining competitiveness because of the turbulent, rapidly changing business environment. The research shows that it is possible to improve organizations’ competitiveness by considering the multidimensional model viewpoints, which include the strategic talent management ecosystem viewpoints and the strategic agile management ecosystem viewpoints. The multidimensional model includes the essential constructs for developing strategic talent management, i.e., acquiring talented employees, target development of talented employees, designing talent teams, and talent leadership, as well as the following essential constructs for developing strategic agile management, i.e., designing agile teams, agile leadership, and support agile management culture. The research was implemented on 532 owners/managers in organizations. Structural equation modeling was used to test the hypotheses. Results show that developing a strategic talent management ecosystem positively affects developing a strategic agile management ecosystem and leads to higher organization competitiveness. A developed multidimensional model will help owners and managers comprehensively embrace and implement agility in their organization to increase competitiveness.