This issue inaugurates the First Book Symposium as a feature in the pages of
Social Analysis. Instead of including ourselves among the journals that devote a
section to book reviews in their regular issues, as we have done for many years,
we feel that a more focused approach is better suited to our goal of exploring the
potentials of anthropological analysis. Adopting from other journals the format
of the book symposium, in which a single book is subjected to sustained critical
engagement by relevant scholars, we devote it in particular to discussion of
books by first-time authors. Our aim is, on the one hand, to give a platform to
scholars who are not already widely known and established and, on the other,
to acquaint our readers with ideas and analytical approaches that are fresh.Knut Christian Myhre, Returning Life: Language, Life Force and History
in Kilimanjaro (New York: Berghahn Books, 2018), 336 pp., illustrations,
bibliography, index. eBook. eISBN 9781785336669.