In the absence of estrogen (E), the selective E receptor modulator tamoxifen (TX) has two agonist effects in the rat pituitary: induction of progesterone receptor (PR)-dependent GnRH self-priming in the gonadotrope, and stimulation of prolactin (PRL) secretion in the lactotrope. TX-induced gonadotropin (GnRH) self-priming is absent when 10 28 M estradiol-17b (E 2 ) is added to the incubation medium of pituitaries from TX-treated rats. The present experiments investigated whether PR-independent PRL release into the incubation medium of pituitaries from TX-treated ovariectomized (OVX) rats was affected by E 2 , and the effect of different ER ligands (ICI182780, TX, estradiol-17a, E 2 -BSA) on TX-stimulated PRL secretion. Moreover, the effect of E 2 on TRH-stimulated PRL secretion in pituitaries collected from estradiol benzoate-and TX-treated OVX rats was studied. It was found that: i) incubation with E 2 supressed the PRL releasing effect of injected TX; ii) whereas coincubation with the pure anti-E type II ICI182780 antagonized the inhibitory effect of E 2 , coincubation with the anti-E type I TX did not; iii) estradiol17a lacked inhibitory action, whereas a dose-dependent inhibitory effect of both E 2 and E 2 -BSA was noticed; and iv) TRH stimulatory effect on PRL release in pituitaries from TX-treated rats was blocked by addition of E 2 to the medium. Taken together, these data argue in favor of the presence of specific membrane recognition sites for E in the lactotrope involved in steroid-specific E 2 inhibition of TX-stimulated PRL secretion.