Let N be a 2-step nilpotent Lie algebra endowed with non-degenerate scalar product . , . and let N = V ⊕ ⊥ Z, where Z is the centre of the Lie algebra and V its orthogonal complement with respect to the scalar product. We study the classification of the Lie algebras for which the space V arises as a representation space of a Clifford algebra Cl(R r,s ) and the representation map J : Cl(R r,s ) → End(V ) is related to the Lie algebra structure by Jzv, w = z, [v, w] for all z ∈ R r,s and v, w ∈ V . The classification is based on the range of parameters r and s and is completed for the Clifford modules V , having minimal possible dimension, that are not necessary irreducible. We find the necessary condition for the existence of a Lie algebra isomorphism according to the range of integer parameters 0 ≤ r, s < ∞. We present the constructive proof for the isomorphism map for isomorphic Lie algebras and defined the class of non-isomorphic Lie algebras.1 2 KENRO FURUTANI, IRINA MARKINA Lie algebras. For the Clifford algebras Cl(R r,0 ), generated by the Euclidean space R r , the H-type algebras N r,0 (V ) were introduced by Kaplan [24] and attracted a lot of attention [6,10,13,25,26,34,35]. The Lie algebras N r,0 (V ) is a typical example of a standard metric form. For the Clifford algebras Cl(R r,s ), generated by a sign indefinite non-degenerate scalar product space R r,s , the pseudo H-type Lie algebras N r,s (V ) were introduced in [11], and studied in [12,16,18,20,21].We study the isomorphism properties between the Lie algebras N r,s (V ). We show that the Lie algebras N r,s (V ) can not be isomorphic to N u,t (V ) unless r = t and s = u or r = u and s = t. The present paper is the first part of the complete classification, where we concentrate on the classification of the Lie algebras based on the Clifford modules of minimal possible dimensions (which are not necessarily irreducible), admitting a scalar product making the representation map J z skew symmetric. Then, by making use the Atiyah-Bott periodicity for underlying Clifford algebras we extend the study to an arbitrary dimension pseudo H-type algebras. We also show that the Lie algebras based on the non-equivalent irreducible Clifford modules are isomorphic. We stress, that the isomorphic relation between the Clifford algebras and the associated pseudo H-type Lie algebras is not functorial. In some cases the isomorphic Clifford algebras lead to isomorphic Lie algebras, in other cases not.Apart from being motivated by itself interesting mathematical question of the classification of Lie algebras, we want to mention here possible applications in other areas of mathematics. It was shown [10,16] that the pseudo H-type Lie algebras admit the integer structure constants that in its turn, according to the Malćev theorem [31], guarantees the existence of lattices on the corresponding Lie groups. The factorization of pseudo H-type Lie groups by lattices gives a vast of new examples of nilmanifolds, which type strongly depend on the classification of pseudo H-type alg...