Thin film tandem solar cells provide a promising approach to achieve high efficiencies.
| INTRODUCTIONCurrently, there is an increasing demand to provide cheap high-efficiency solar cells that can exceed state-of-the-art single-junction solar cell technologies. One approach to achieve this is through using tandem solar cells. Tandem or multijunction solar cells have the potential to achieve efficiencies of more than 30%. set the full illumination intensity for the IVT measurements. A mechanical shutter was used to allow dark and illuminated measurements within the same experiment. Admittance measurements were performed in the dark, after keeping the sample mounted in the dark at room temperature for 1 night, with an LCR meter using the same cryostat setup. All characterizations were performed after adding the ARC layer. For the extraction of the quasi-Fermi-level splitting (qFLS), photoluminescence (PL) spectra were recorded on CdS-covered absorbers in a home-built calibrated setup at room temperature under continuous monochromatic illumination with 660-nm wavelength.
27,28The spectral and absolute corrected PL spectra are converted into energy space. In a semilogarithmic plot, the high-energy wing of the PL peak is fitted linearly and is evaluated by means of the simplified Planck's generalized law, 29 providing the qFLS as well as the temperature. Figure 1A. Figure 1 A also presents the electrical behavior under light for CIS_0.95 measured in-house. Table 1 as a function of absorber bandgap are shown in Figure 2. All IV measurements were performed after adding an ARC layer.In Figure 1A, it is observed that V OC increases and J summarized in Table 1, it can be concluded that the cells lose more in recombination than in incomplete absorption (η el < η op ). Moreover, the