(1) ple, Dale (4) in his summary of LDQ theory lists, in which purports to be a critical reexamination and addition to the postulates dealing with electronic evaluation of the application of Linnett Double charge and spin correlation, the following two adQuartet (LDQ) theory to problems of structure, ditional postulates. (1) "The attraction between reactivity, and resonance in organic chemistry. electrons and atomic nuclei tends to draw a maxiThis article presents an interpretation of LDQ mum number of electrons to regions between theory which is, in the present writer's opinion, atoms." (2) "Two electrons of opposite spin may incorrect and potentially misleading for those read-occur together as a pair (coincidence) when more ers who are only superficially acquainted with Lin-electrons can thereby be concentrated between two nett's work. Consequently, it is felt that some atoms to form a bond." Likewise, Lawless and comments on this interpretation are in order. On Smith (5) state the underlying principles of LDQ the other hand, the article does call attention to a theory to be that "electrons are electrostatically number of situations which, though far from in-attracted by the nuclei, are mutually repelled by validating LDQ theory as the authors contend, do other electrons, and have a tendency to achieve a point to a need for a more explicit consideration of fairly uniform charge distribution in a given cheminuclear-nuclear repulsions in certain qualitative cal species, as limited by the effect of the spin wave applications of the theory. Such a treatment is made function and relative electronegativities of the in the present paper and is shown both to resolve atoms involved." the problems raised by Langler et al. and to point to In both statements the nuclei are assigned a key a new area of application for Firestone's theory of role. Structures are a result of the dynamic interLinnett or L strain (2,3).play between the desire of the electrons, on the one hand, to reduce their mutual repulsions by mainThe Role of the Nuclei in LDQ Theory taining their spin sets and as much anticoincidence The major source of difficulty with the authors' between the sets as possible, and the desire of the interpretation of LDQ theory stems from their mis-nuclei, on the other hand, to increase their electron conceptions about its primary postulates. After attractions and reduce nuclear-nuclear repulsions first describing the concept of two tetrahedral spin by concentrating as many electrons as possible sets, the authors summarize the theory as follows: along the internuclear axes. Indeed, the role of the "Molecular structures are elaborated by maximiz-nuclei is assumed to be so apparent from traditional ing electronic separations and minimizing elec-bonding concepts that the two standard books on tronic repulsions. Priority, it is assumed, must be LDQ theory by Luder (6) and Linnett (7) do not given to maximizing the separation of electrons even explicitly state postulates dealing with these having the same spin." This is corre...