As visualization applications evolve rapidly, research efforts on visualization are becoming progressive forces toward a crucial and merit paradigm supporting the development of engineering. We are at a crucial moment for facilitating the potential adoption of visualization technologies in the field. This moment can be partially attributed to the popularization of cutting-edge visualization tools through improvements to and inventions for mobile phones, tablets and wearable devices. Visualization concerning human interactions, such as augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR), also encourages engineers to think about their specific usage in order to better facilitate various engineering fields. For example, construction managers can use signal intelligent mobile phone showing AR construction animation on the exact place of the construction site, and control the animation by signal touch on the screen to see whether there is any delay situations regarding current construction status. More visualization usages will expected to be motivated and realized in the future.Visualization in Engineering provides, for the first time, an international and interdisciplinary platform for researchers to present their findings, latest developments, and perspectives on future trends in visualization in design and engineering. The journal covers relevant advances in the areas of computing, management, human factors, education, social sciences and engineering. In 2013 we saw visualization technologies introduced to various applications in growing numbers, thanks to the rapid development of computational software and hardware. Visualization in Engineering so far published thirteen excellent papers that fully cover the wide range of fields in which visualization technology has been implemented.