In this paper we describe the rigid tensor triangulated subcategory of Voevodsky's triangulated category of motives generated by the motive of an elliptic curve as a derived category of dg modules over a commutative differential graded algebra in the category of representations over some reductive group.1 For the CM case, we only consider the complex multiplication is defined over k.Furthermore, the piecewhere V (n,0) ⊗ V ⊗i ⊗V ⊗j are pairwise non-isomorphic irreducible representations over a K-algebra End Res K/Q Gm⊗K ((F K ) ⊗n ) and V i,j are pairwise non-isomorphic irreducible representation over Res K/Q G m ⊗ K = T K . For simplicity, we delete V i,j and one may think that both V andV are endowed with the G m -action. In fact, End Res K/Q Gm⊗K ((F K ) ⊗n ) is a special case defined in the Section 3.9 of [1], which is called B n,K . Ancona's main result -Theorem 4.1 in [1] implies that the decomposition like Lemma 2.1 is holding for the CM elliptic motives:3 Here λ t is the transpose (or conjugate) of λ, which is defined by interchanging rows and columns in the Young diagram associated to λ. 4 We view cn as an idempotent in End((F K ) ⊗n ), which lies in End Res K/Q Gm⊗K ((F K ) ⊗n ).