Alkali‐metal containing lanthanide oxotantalates(V) with high Ta2O5 content can be obtained using surfacially oxygen‐contaminated tantalum containers for acid‐base reactions with lanthanide oxides and alkali‐metal halides as fluxes. Following this way, the two title compounds K2LaTa5O15 and NaTm2Ta15O41 were prepared as colorless single crystals. K2LaTa5O15 crystallizes in the tetragonal space group P4/mbm (no. 127) with a = 1256.02(9), c = 392.14(3) pm and c/a = 0.312 (Z = 2), NaTm2Ta15O41 orthorhombically (space group: Pbam, no. 55) with a = 1261.43(7), b = 3080.3(2) and c = 386.05(2) pm (Z = 2). The quite similar a and c axes for both compounds suggest analogies in their structures and there are indeed common motifs within the oxotantalate(V) networks erected from corner‐sharing [TaO6]7– octahedra. Even more interesting is the fact that in NaTm2Ta15O41 an increased coordination number (CN = 7) for some Ta5+ cations can be found just like in the binary Ta2O5.