The tantalus (tan) gene encodes a protein that interacts specifically with the Polycomb/trithorax group protein Additional sex combs (ASX). Both loss-of-function and gain-of-function mutations in tan cause tissue-specific defects in the eyes, wing veins and bristles of adult flies. As these defects are also typical for components of the Notch (N) signalling pathway, we wished to determine if TAN interacts with this pathway. Through careful examination of ectopic tan phenotypes, we find that TAN specifically disrupts all three major processes associated with the N signalling pathway (boundary formation, lateral inhibition, and lineage decisions). Furthermore, ectopic tan expression abolishes expression of two N target genes, wingless (wg) and cut, at the dorsal-ventral boundary of the wing. An interaction between tan and N was also observed using a genetic assay that previously detected interactions between tan and Asx. The previously observed ability of TAN to move between the cytoplasm and nucleus, and to associate with DNA, provides a potential mechanism for TAN to respond to N signalling.