Vasconcelos, I.; Ravasi, M.; van der Neut, Joost; Kritski, A.; Cui, T.
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Retrieving reservoir-only reflection and transmission responses from target-enclosing extended images
SummaryThe Marchenko redatuming approach reconstructs wavefields at depth that contain not only primary reflections, but also multiply-scattered waves. While such fields in principle contain additional subsurface information, conventional imaging approaches cannot tap into the information encoded in internal multiples in a trivial manner. We discuss a new approach that uses the full information contained in Marchenko-redatumed fields, whose output are local reflection and transmission responses that fully enclose a target volume at depth, without contributions from over-or underburden structures. To obtain the Target-Enclosing Extended Images (TEEIs) we solve a multidimensional deconvolution (MDD) problem that can be severely ill-posed, so we offer stable estimates to the MDD problem that rely on the physics of the Marchenko scheme. We validate our method on ocean-bottom field data from the North Sea. In our field data example, we show that the TEEIs can be used for reservoir-targeted imaging using reflection and, for the first time, local transmission responses, shown to be internal multiples retrieved by the redatuming scheme. Finally, we present local, TEEI-derived reflection and transmission images of the target volume at depth that are structurally consistent with a benchmark image from conventional migration of surface data. 2214-4609.201701222 Introduction With the goal of achieving increased imaging resolution of reservoirs at depth and better quantitative reservoir characterisation, here we aim at retrieving the local reflection and transmission responses of a target volume at depth from surface seismic data, with no influence of over-or underburden geology. More importantly, we would like to achieve this using subsurface models that are no more complex than those used in conventional migration. A key enabler for our objective is the novel approach of Marchenko redatuming (Wapenaar et al., 2014; van der Neut et al., 2015;Ravasi et al., 2016): it allows us to obtain, from surface reflection data, subsurface redatumed waves that correctly handle internal multiples, while using conventional migration mode...