Abstract. Gross lesions in a dog with cutaneous lymphoproliferative disease involved oral mucosa, and footpad and nasal epithelia. The lesions were vesicles, ulcers, erythematous papules, and plaques. The distinctive histologic feature was the predominantly intraepithelial proliferation of a monomorphous population of atypical mononuclear cells, many with bizarre convoluted nuclei. Ultrastructurally the mononuclear cells had few cytoplasmic organelles and resembled lymphocytes. These features distinguish the lesion from the usual canine cutaneous lymphosarcoma and from the canine equivalent of mycosis fungoides. The histology resembles that of pagetoid reticulosis in man.An unusual form of cutaneous lymphoproliferative disease, resembling mycosis fungoides in man, has been described in the dog [ 14, 16,221. Mycosis fungoides is a tumor of thymus-derived lymphocytes that arises in the skin [ 10,11,17,18]. It is slowly progressive, spreading to lymph nodes and internal organs late in the course of the disease [4,17].Mycosis fungoides has three characteristic histologic features [ 1 1, 171. Firstly, the cutaneous cell infiltrate is pleomorphic, with plasma cells, eosinophils and histiocytes accompanying the neoplastic T lymphocytes. Secondly, many of the neoplastic T lymphocytes have hyperchromatic and convoluted nuclei. The cells have been named mycosis cells [17], although they also occur in inflammatory skin conditions [13]. The third feature, considered almost pathognomonic for mycosis fungoides, is the presence of Pautrier's microabscesses, small intraepithelial clusters of the proliferating tumor cells [17, 181. Pagetoid reticulosis, also known as Woringer-Kolopp disease or epidermotropic reticulosis, is a rare skin tumor in man, considered by many to be another manifestation of cutaneous T-cell lymphoma [2,3,5,9,16,25], perhaps a variant of mycosis fungoides [7, 161. The histiocyte and Merkel cell have been proposed as alternate progenitors [6,20], but recently the tumor cells were shown to have T-lymphocyte membrane properties [3]. Clinically, the disease may be localized or generalized [3,
488Johnson and Patterson 251. Histologically, both forms are characterized by the proclivity of the tumor cells to multiply within the confines of the surface epithelium [2,3,5,9,16,251.
Case HistoryA 9-year-old female Scottish Terrier had a protracted disease affecting mainly footpad and oral epithelia. The lesions had not responded to intermittent treatment with corticosteroids and antibiotics during the preceding I2 months. Clinical examination showed irregular smooth papules aggregated into plaques on the buccal and pharyngeal mucosa. Over the epiglottis the lesions were vesicular. Well-demarcated irregular plaques on the dorsum of the tongue had a rough grey-white central area with a smooth erythematous periphery. The epithelium on the volar surface of the front and to a lesser extent the rear footpads was irregularly eroded and hemorrhagic. Adjacent areas were covered with thick grey crust. An area of alopeci...