Scope and purpose-This paper presents new computational methods that facilitate digital-computer analysis of some important military operations research problems. Lanchester-type combat models [l] are deterministic differentialequation models of combat attrition in which the state variables are typically the numbers of the different weapon-system types. Even though combat between two military forces is a complex random process, such deterministic combat models are commonly used for computational reasons in defense-planning studies, for example, to assess the relative importance of various weapon-system and force-level parameters. A so-called attrition-rate coefficient in such a combat model represents the fire effectiveness of a particular weapon-system type against a particular target type, and time-dependent attrition-rate coefficients are used to model temporal variations in fire effectiveness when, for example, the range between firers and targets changes appreciably during battle. For such a variable-coefficient Lanchester-type combat model that is a generalization of Lanchester's[Z] classic "square-law" model, we present a simple numerical procedure for determining the so-called parity-condition parameter, which is "the enemy force equivalent of a friendly force of unit strength" and may be used to predict battle outcome in specific engagements. These results allow one not only to predict battle outcome but also to tradeoff quality vs quantity of two opposing weapon systems.Abstract-This paper presents a simple numerical procedure for determining the parity-condition parameter for deterministic Lanchester-type combat between two homogeneous forces. Deterministic dierentidequation combat models are commonly used in parametric studies for computational reasons, since they give essentially the same results for the mean course of combat as do corresponding stochastic attrition models. The combat studied in this paper is modelled by Lanchester-type equations of modern warfare with timedependent attrition-rate coefficients. Previous research has generalized Lanchester's classic "square law" to such variable-coefficient combat. It has shown that the prediction of battle outcome (in particular, force annihilation) without having to spend the time and effort of computing force-level trajectories depends on a single parameter, the so-called parity-condition parameter, which is "the enemy force equivalent of a friendly force of unit strength" and depends on only the attrition-rate coefficients. Unfortunately, previous research did not show generally how to determine this parameter. We present general theoretical considerations for its numerical noniterative determination. This general theory is applied to an important class of attrition-rate coefficients (offset power-rate coefficients). Our results allow one to study such variable-coefficient combat models almost as easily and thoroughly as Lanchester's classic constant-coefficient model.