Abstract-Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is formed to share information on a temporary basis between the vehicular nodes in a wireless medium. The routing information is used to discover the vehicles and the route has to be maintained to transfer the data. It may lead to link failure or breakage in the communication, if there is high network mobility and constrained topology arrangement. In case of failure, it may cause loss of data and delay in the network. So, to avoid breakage, the routing information is stored in traditional protocols like CBAODV and CS-CBAODV. Instead of storing routing information in client side, the idea of storing data in the remote side is taken into consideration to backup permanently. This remote server manages the data in client server which is to be delivered to vehicular node. After analyzing related protocols and simulators, a new reactive based routing protocol is designed in this research work and it is named as RS-CBAODV is used to handle routing information between vehicular node, Client side node (RST i.e. Road Side Terminals) and also in Remote side storage node. To analysis the performance of the proposed protocol, MOVE and NS2 simulator is used to compare both CS-CBAODV and RS-CBAODV protocols.