Voltage-gated sodium channels (VGSCs) are the target for many therapies. Variation in membrane potential occurs throughout the cell cycle, yet little attention has been devoted to VGSCs and Na+,K+-ATPase in the cell cycle. We hypothesized that in addition to doubling DNA and cell membrane in anticipation of cell division, there should be a doubling of VGSCs and Na+,K+-ATPase compared to non-dividing cells. We tested this hypothesis in eight immortalized cell lines by correlating immunocytofluorescent labeling of VGSCs or Na+,K+-ATPase, with propidium iodide or DAPI fluorescence using flow cytometry. Cell surface expression of VGSCs during phases S through M was double that seen during phases G0 - G1. By contrast, Na+,K+-ATPase expression increased only 1.5-fold. The increases were independent of baseline expression of channels or pumps. The variation in VGSC and Na+,K+-ATPase expression has implications for both our understanding of sodium's role in controlling the cell cycle and variability of treatments targeted at these components of the Na+ handling system.