It is a major outstanding
goal in nanotechnology to precisely position
functional nanoparticles, such as quantum dots, inside a three-dimensional
(3D) nanostructure in order to realize innovative functions. Once
the 3D positioning is performed, the challenge arises how to nondestructively
verify where the nanoparticles reside in the 3D nanostructure. Here,
we study 3D photonic band gap crystals made of Si that are infiltrated
with PbS nanocrystal quantum dots. The nanocrystals are covalently
bonded to polymer brush layers that are grafted to the Si–air
interfaces inside the 3D nanostructure using surface-initiated atom
transfer radical polymerization (SI-ATRP). The functionalized 3D nanostructures
are probed by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence (SXRF) tomography that
is performed at 17 keV photon energy to obtain large penetration depths
and efficient excitation of the elements of interest. Spatial projection
maps were obtained followed by tomographic reconstruction to obtain
the 3D atom density distribution with 50 nm voxel size for all chemical
elements probed: Cl, Cr, Cu, Ga, Br, and Pb. The quantum dots are
found to be positioned inside the 3D nanostructure, and their positions
correlate with the positions of elements characteristic of the polymer
brush layer and the ATRP initiator. We conclude that X-ray fluorescence
tomography is very well suited to nondestructively characterize 3D
nanomaterials with photonic and other functionalities.