Anomalies in neuronal cell architecture, in particular dendritic complexity and synaptic density changes, are widely observed in the brains of subjects with schizophrenia or mood disorders. The concept that a disturbed microtubule cytoskeleton underlies these abnormalities and disrupts synaptic connectivity is supported by evidence from clinical studies and animal models. Prominent changes in tubulin expression levels are commonly found in disease specific regions such as the hippocampus and prefrontal cortex of psychiatric patients. Genetic linkage studies associate tubulinbinding proteins such as the dihydropyrimidinase family with an increased risk to develop schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. For many years, altered immunoreactivity of microtubule associated protein-2 has been a hallmark found in the brains of individuals with schizophrenia. In this review, we present a growing body of evidence that connects a dysfunctional microtubule cytoskeleton with neuropsychiatric illnesses. Findings from animal models are discussed together with clinical data with a particular focus on tubulin posttranslational modifications and on microtubule-binding proteins. V C 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.Key Words: microtubule; depression; schizophrenia; MAP2; JNK Introduction I t is almost 50 years since tubulin was identified as the globular protein that makes up microtubules [Mohri, 1968]. Tubulin polymers, or microtubules, along with actin microfilaments and intermediate filaments, make up the cytoskeletal framework, which provides structure and dynamics to cells [Wells, 2005]. Neuronal cells are exceptional in their usage of microtubules to generate a highly polarized morphology consisting of long axons and dendritic arbors that form the receptive field for electrochemical input. Axonal microtubules are polarized and confer the rigidity that is necessary for long distance transport, whereas dendritic microtubules show mixed polarity and influence processes such as arborization and signaling to dendritic spines .In cells, a and b tubulin exist as heterodimers. They are structurally homologous, comprising two b-strands surrounded by a-helices. Each subunit is divided into three functional domains: the N-terminal domain that incorporates a nucleotide-binding region (i.e., GTP), an intermediate domain comprising the taxol-binding site, and a Cterminal domain which provides the binding surface for motor proteins [Nogales et al., 1998]. a/b heterodimers interact in a head-to-tail conformation giving rise to linear polymers with inherent polarity known as protofilaments [Black and Baas, 1989]. Typically, a microtubule consists of a cylindrical assembly of 13 protofilaments with a diameter of 25 nm, and highly variable length. Microtubules actively modify their structure through dynamic cycles of assembly and disassembly. The plus end where b-tubulin is exposed elongates more rapidly than the a-tubulin exposed, minus end [Horio et al., 2014]. The process of rapid growth and collapse of microtubules is known as dynamic instability a...