Double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells is abnormal and typically indicates the presence of pathogens or mislocalized self-DNA. Multiple sensors detect cytosolic dsDNA and trigger robust immune responses via activation of type I interferons. Several cancer immunotherapy treatments also activate cytosolic nucleic acid sensing pathways, including oncolytic viruses, nucleic acid-based cancer vaccines, and pharmacological agonists. We report here that cytosolic dsDNA introduced into malignant cells can robustly upregulate expression of CCL22, a chemokine responsible for the recruitment of regulatory T cells (Tregs). Tregs in the tumor microenvironment are thought to repress anti-tumor immune responses and contribute to tumor immune evasion. Surprisingly, we found that CCL22 upregulation by dsDNA was mediated primarily by interferon regulatory factor 3 (IRF3), a key transcription factor that activates type I interferons. This finding was unexpected given previous reports that type I interferon alpha inhibits CCL22 and that IRF3 is associated with strong anti-tumor immune responses, not Treg recruitment. We also found that CCL22 upregulation by dsDNA occurred concurrently with IFN-β upregulation. IRF3 is one of two transcription factors downstream of the STimulator of INterferon Genes (STING), which is a hub adaptor protein through which many different dsDNA sensors transmit their signals. The other transcription factor downstream of STING, NF-κB, has been reported to regulate CCL22 expression in other contexts, and NF-κB has been ascribed multiple pro-tumor functions, including Treg recruitment. However, we found that NF-κB in the context of activation by cytosolic dsDNA contributed minimally to CCL22 upregulation compared with IRF3. Lastly, we observed that two strains of the same cell line differed profoundly in their capacity to upregulate CCL22 and IFN-β in response to dsDNA, despite apparent STING activation in both cell lines. This finding suggests that during tumor evolution, cells can acquire, or lose, the ability to upregulate CCL22. This study adds to our understanding of factors that may modulate immune activation in response to cytosolic DNA and has implications for immunotherapy strategies that activate DNA sensing pathways in cancer cells.