Considering the fact that savings are very important for developing countries and that they should be increased, in this study, the effects of macroeconomic variables consisting of economic growth rate, inflation rate, real interest rate and per capita income on private savings for BRICS-T countries, have been examined with the annual data of 1996-2019 period. For this purpose, firstly, the cross-sectional dependency and homogeneity situations between the mentioned countries have been evaluated. Then, the second generation panel unit root test, the CADF Test, has been applied to test for stagnation. Westerlund (2008) Durbin-H method has been used to determine the long-term cointegration relationship. In the estimation of long-term cointegration coefficients, for inter-unit correlation and heterogeneity, the common correlated effects – CCE estimator proposed by Pesaran (2006) has been used. Although the findings differ for countries, they reveal that there are important relationships between macroeconomic variables and savings.