Abstract-Learning technologies intrinsically pervade education via Internet, encouraging teachers to conform their pedagogical practices. However, this information era imposes an interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary approach for applying instructional strategies to technology. In this work, a knowledge engineering case is described to represent the knowledge design entailment issues when integrating learning theories with information technology. The systematic and procedural language of computers in scene illustrate the challenge task of instruction design to develop customized content and to assess students' learning. Underlying these reasons, this work create awareness for the long trip to deal with pedagogical technology intricate issues in order to cause students to learn, and not only to use technology tools.
IndexTerms-Educational technology, knowledge engineering, pedagogical issues, instructional design, ontology.
I. INTRODUCTIONDuring the early years of this century, the concepts of network, cyberspace, and hypermedia, were consolidated as language. Directly, such elements have grounded new forms of work. Structures of companies and universities took shape according to this new global phenomenon. Establishing new parameters for a globalizing market drove by an emerging educational culture, and often idealized and shaped by capital doctrine.Regarding all the historical and structural issues related to Education and Technology, the contemporary discussion earns another view: some models and traditional values in universities and educational institutions are getting obsolete. Similarly, the work styles, and even the understanding of knowledge production and technology processes acquire other senses.In this context, we observe more closely the relationship between knowledge, technology, and teaching and learning. Especially in this primacy moment of hypermedia, globalization, and information. A major challenge for educators is to realize that learning relationships are beyond conventional classroom, but closer to individual experiences from the diversity of technological languages, also considering what we call social groups.The educational technologies bring us strong impact on the way we perceive the educational process. Actually, we could now understand it is not only provide content and technology Manuscript received February 5, 2015; revised April 22, 2015. This work was supported in part by the Funraç ã o Universidade Federal do Tocantins -UFT, productive grant.The authors are with the Department of Computer Science of the Federal University of Tocantins, Brazil (e-mail: ddnprata@uft.edu.br).to students and teachers, as was thought earlier in the "industrial age".Likewise, we realize that publishing only interfaces, authoring tools, and content does not exhaust the debate, since the progress or course of a development work involves a team composed of different professionals from different areas that complement each other, such as teachers , designers, writers, programmers and others, characterizing...