Multiple hypotheses have been advanced for the geographic origin of the Clovis technocomplex. Several competing hypotheses are considered in relation to the distribution of Clovis caches. Clovis caching behavior is interpreted as a strategy for maximizing exploration and migration rather than an embedded strategy associated with an annual foraging round. Based on this analysis, it is hypothesized that the Clovis technocomplex may have originated along the North Pacific coast or south of the Cordilleran ice sheet in the Puget Lowland before rapidly spreading across the continent.keywords Paleoindian, fluting technology, Clovis cache, migration, Western North America, Clovis origins Clovis is the label used for the earliest widespread, identifiable prehistoric technocomplex south of the Late Pleistocene Cordilleran and Laurentide ice sheets in North America. The Clovis tradition is short-lived and currently dated from 13,250-12,700 cal BP (Goebel and Keene 2014; Stafford 2007, 2013). A variety of site types are associated with the Clovis tradition, including encampments, quarry sites, megafauna kill or butchering sites, and cache sites.The Clovis complex includes a well-developed bifacial lithic technology including projectile points, knives, gravers, and bifaces of various stages of manufacture