Abstract. It is known that, given a genus 2 curve C : y 2 = f (x), where f (x) is quintic and defined over a field K, of characteristic different from 2, and given a homogeneous space H δ for complete 2-descent on the Jacobian of C, there is a V δ (which we shall describe), which is a degree 4 del Pezzo surface defined over K, such that H δ (K) = ∅ =⇒ V δ (K) = ∅. We shall prove that every degree 4 del Pezzo surface V , defined over K, arises in this way; furthermore, we shall show explicitly how, given V , to find C and δ such that V = V δ , up to a linear change in variable defined over K. We shall also apply this relationship to Hürlimann's example of a degree 4 del Pezzo surface violating the Hasse principle, and derive an explicit parametrised infinite family of genus 2 curves, defined over Q, whose Jacobians have nontrivial members of the ShafarevichTate group. This example will differ from previous examples in the literature by having only two Q-rational Weierstrass points.