Tauopathies are a class of neurodegenerative diseases
with the presence of pathological Tau fibrils as a diagnostic marker.
The microtubule-binding repeat region of Tau protein, which includes
R1, R2, R3, and R4 repeats, constitutes the core of these fibrils.
Each repeat consists of a semiconserved C-terminal hexapeptide flanked
by KxGS and PGGG motifs. Previous studies have shown the influence
of these peptides on protein aggregation, yet their repeat-specific
properties are less explored. Using molecular dynamics, we probed
the sequence-specific influence of the C-terminal hexapeptide (264ENLKHQ269) in determining the compact local conformation
of the R1 repeat of the narrow Pick filament (NPF) with a homologous
E264G mutation. In addition to that, we also studied the influence
of 262S phosphorylation on this conformation as the phosphorylation
is proposed to alleviate the pathogenesis of Pick’s disease.
Interestingly, we determined that E264G mutation induces a conformational
shift of 270PGGG273 from a turn to a random
coil. This conformational dependence is experimentally verified with
the R1R3-E264G mutant construct, which displayed accelerated aggregation
compared with the R1R3 wild-type construct. A significant delay in
aggregation of the R1R3-G326E mutant further demonstrates the importance
of 326G in determining the conformation of the R3 repeat.
Thus, we conclude that the conformational properties of the PGGG motif
in Tau repeats are strongly dependent on the repeat-specific sequence
of the C-terminal hexapeptide.