The retina contains a high amount of taurine which suggests a role in retinal function. The mongolian gerbil is well studied in stroke because of its incomplete circle of Willis. Two groups of gerbils were used: one served as control and the other was subjected to unilateral left carotid occlusion during 30 minutes, followed by 60 minutes of reperfusion. Gerbils were selected by ocular fundus and only sensitive gerbils were retained for the experimentation. We studied the level of taurine in gerbil retina of different ages: 3, 9, 15 and 24 months old (sham operated and ischemic groups). Level of taurine was determined by HPLC/electrochemical method. Compared to sham operated groups, level of taurine was significantly increased in ischemic groups for all ages studied. In the sham operated groups, level of taurine was low at birth, reached a plateau, and then decreased with aging. In the ischemic groups, level of taurine regularly increased from 3 to 24 months of age. With comparison evaluated for each age (modification ischemic versus sham operated groups expressed in percentage), level of taurine was quite equal at 3 and 9 months of age, but increased in 15 and 24 months old gerbils.