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January 2013Abstract In this paper, we analyse how increasing student migration from a less developed to a developed country alters education policy in the developed country, and how it a¤ects human capital and welfare in the two countries. We argue that a higher permanent migration probability, i.e., a higher probability that international students continue to stay in their host country after graduation, incentivises the host country to improve its education quality. A higher education quality in turn raises the human capital of all students, including returning students. As long as the permanent migration probability is not too large, this positive quality e¤ect increases human capital and welfare in both the less developed country (LDC) and the developed host country. Thus, a brain gain to the LDC occurs. A decline in the taxes on labour income in the two countries can reinforce this brain gain, although the developed country then raises the tuition fees.Keywords: Brain gain; education; human capital; mobility; return migration. JEL classi…cation: F22; I28; H52.We thank Alessandra Casarico, Silke Uebelmesser, Marcel Gérard, Panu Poutvaara, Daniel Shilcof, and David Wildasin for very helpful comments. We have also bene…ted from discussions at the workshop on 'Globalization, Education and Taxation' in Konstanz, at the CESifo Venice Summer Institute workshop on 'Cross-Border Mobility of Students and Researchers', and at the Ifo Institute in Munich. Thomas Lange gratefully acknowledges …nancial support from the Fritz Thyssen Stiftung (Project on 'Globalization, Education and Taxation').y Plymouth University, School of Management, Drake Circus, Plymouth, Devon, PL4 8AA, UK; E-Mail:; and CESifo, Munich, Germany z University of Freiburg, Department of Economics, 79085 Freiburg, Germany; E-Mail: tim.krieger@vwl.uni-freiburg.dex acatech -National Academy of Science and Engineering, Geschäftsstelle, Residenz München, Hofgartenstraß e 2, 80539 Munich, Germany, E-Mail:
MotivationAdvancing production technologies and the growing complexity of service industries will demand an increasingly larger share of highly quali…ed workers in the future labour force. At the same time, the ageing of workforce will not only depress overall labour supply but also put strains on public …nances, as old age-related spending is expected to grow at a higher rate than tax revenues and social securi...