Wilkins, C.F. & Trudgen, M.E. A new species of Gompholobium (Fabaceae: Mirbelieae) from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia. Nuytsia 22(1): 31-40 (2012). Gompholobium oreophilum C.F.Wilkins & Trudgen, a new species from the Pilbara bioregion of Western Australia, is described and compared to its close relatives G. karijini Chappill and G. polyzygum F.Muell. The different habitat preferences and the possible hybridisation between G. oreophilum and G. karijini, which is also endemic to the Pilbara, are discussed. A key and distribution maps are provided. This paper describes the villous entity as a new species, G. oreophilum C.F.Wilkins & Trudgen, and compares it to its closest relatives, G. polyzygum and G. karijini.
MethodsThis study is based on examination of fresh material, and herbarium specimens housed at PERTH. Habitat and lithology information was derived from Griffin and Trudgen (2009) supplemented by a small amount of targeted field work.
Taxonomic treatmentSpecies in the G. polyzygum complex have imparipinnate leaves with 4-21 leaflet pairs, leaflets with flat margins and flowers with yellow to yellow-orange petals.Key to species of the Gompholobium polyzygum complex 1. Plants glabrous or very sparsely hairy, with calyces glabrous except for lobe margins ..............G. karijini 1: Plants ± densely hairy, especially on branchlets and calyces 2. Leaves mostly with > 10 pairs of overlapping leaflets; leaflets mostly < 4 mm long.Hairs on peduncles, pedicels and buds > 1 mm long