Carapace is squarish-shaped (Plate, 1 c & d), has indistinct regions. Front is narrow and varies from 0.30-0.60cm. Orbit is wide, reaches half carapace width; varies from 1.04-2.00cm. Lateral half of orbital margin almost straight. Exorbital angle is acute, triangular and protruding outward (Plate, 1c). Eyestalks not prolonged distally beyond cornea, but bearing a brush at distal end of cornea (Plate, 2b). Chelae are dissimilar, have stridulating ridge composes of 69-96 tubercles with striae (Plate, 2 e). Outer and inner surface of finger and thumb with two transverse ridges convergent at its tips (distinct in small chela than large one); finger varies from 0.80-1.70cm.Large and small chela vary from 1.30-3.00cm. Anterior surface of 2 nd and 3 rd propodus of walking legs are naked (Plate, 2 h a & k). First male pleopod is curved laterally at distal end, lacking a palp (Plate, 2 n). Female genital opening has lateral rim continuous lengthwise to elongate operculum, which is directed antero-mesially under median rim (Plate, 2 p). Size: Carapace: 2.01-3.40 cm in CL and 2.54-4.10 cm in CW. Color: Carapace, chelipeds, all walking legs and fingertips are pale to light yellow color, but ventral surface of walking legs is white. Habitat: This species is common and digs its burrows at the upper intertidal and supralittoral sandy zones.