The mangrove biome is a highly productive system globally, with flora and fauna adapted to significant saline influence, where salt flats coexist alongside these systems, emerging over sands and muds with high salinity and sparse vegetation. The objective of this research is to describe, for the first time in Ecuador, the diversity of epiphytic lichens in salt flats in the southern region of Ecuador. Two salt flats were selected where Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa were the dominant trees with the shrub Batis maritima. A total of 30 species of epiphytic lichens were recorded, with the families Arthoniaceae, Graphidaceae, and Ramalinaceae having the highest number of species, and crustose lichens with photobiont type Trentepohlia showed high richness. The salt flats in the southern region of Ecuador have a high richness of epiphytic lichen species, and the species composition is similar to mangroves, highlighting the importance of their conservation as biodiversity refuges for lichens and consequently other flora and fauna groups. Therefore, epiphytic lichens in salt flats can be used as model organisms to assess their conservation in tropical areas.