The antigenicity of lateral (L-) flagella of two marine vibrios, Vibrio alginolyticus and V. harveyi, was studied, and the two species were found to have common antigenicity of their flagella. Antisera against L-flagella were prepared by immunizing rabbits with highly purified L-flagellar filaments. H-Agglutination tests with the anti-L-flagella antisera showed that four H-serovars existed in these species and that two of them were shared by the two species. Cross reactivity be tween H-serovars of these two species and other vibrios having lateral flagella, such as V. parahaemolyticus, V. campbellii, V. proteus, or V. fluvialis, was not observed in the H-agglutination test, although partial common antigenicity was observed in the gel diffusion test with flagellin monomers. These observations suggest that surface antigenic determinants of the lateral flagella of V. alginolyticus and V. harveyi are specific to these two species but internal antigenic determinants buried in the flagellar filaments are partially shared with other vibrio species.Some species of genus Vibrio have two kinds of flagella, lateral flagella (Lflagella) and polar monotrichous flagella (M-flagella) (1,4,20). Cells grown in liquid media possess only one M-flagellum on one end of each rod cell, whereas cells grown on agar media have both kinds of flagella on one cell. M-Flagella and L-flagella serve a locomotive function in a liquid environment and on a solid surface, respectively (19). We demonstrated that the antigenicity of these two flagella of V. parahaemolyticus are different from each other, and that two different antigenic determinant groups, namely a surface antigenic determinant (SA) and an internal antigenic determinant (IA), exist on both flagella (13,16,18). SA is located on the surface of flagellar filaments, and is responsible for H-agglutination.IA exists inside the flagella and is exposed only when the flagellar filaments are dissociated into flagellin monomers. IA is responsible for the gel diffusion reaction with flagellin.L-Flagellar antigens of V. parahaemolyticus are divided into three serovars, HL-1, HL-2, and HL-3, by means of SA. There is no cross reactivity between the SAs of L-flagella of the three serovars, and cross reactivity with other vibrios was not observed (16). Therefore, the SAs of L-flagella of V. parahaemolyticus are species 173