Abstract:The aquaculture sector has been increasing its share in the total fish production in the world. Numerous studies have been published about aquaculture, introducing a variety of techniques and methods that have been applied or could be applied in aquaculture production systems. The purpose of this study is to present a systemic overview of the functions of aquaculture production systems. Each function of an aquaculture system is applied to carry out a certain purpose. The results are divided into three sets of functions: input, treatment, and output. Input functions deal with what happens before the rearing area, treatment functions are about what happens inside the rearing area, and output functions is what comes out of the system. In this study, five input functions, ten treatment functions, and five output functions are indentified. For each function the controlling parameters or indicators were identified and then a list of possible methods or technological solutions in order to carry out the function was compiled. The results are presented in a system map that aggregates all functions used in different types of aquaculture systems along with their methods of solution. This is the first of four articles that together generate taxonomy of both means and ends in aquaculture. The aim is to identify both the technical solutions (means) that solve different functions (ends) and the corresponding functions. This article is about the functions.