This paper reviews 68 scientific names of species of Phalangiidae reported from North, Central, and South America. We found that: 1)16 species of Phalangiidae distributed across 10 genera (Leptobunus, Liopilio, Lophopilio, Mitopus, Odiellus, Oligolophus, Opilio, Paroligolophus, Phalangium, and Rilaena) are still valid; 2) up to 38% of these species have been introduced into North America from Europe and pos¬ sibly Asia; and 3) no members of this family are native to Mexico, Central and South America, or the Caribbean. An additional genus and species (i.e., Megabunus diadema) is recorded from Iceland and is to be watched for in North America. We recognize four new synonyms, one change in family status, and two other changes in status. We confirm both the statement by Levi and Levi (1955) that Opilio angulatichelis Roewer 1952 = Phalangium opilio Linnaeus 1758 and Bishop's (1949) conclusion thatLacinius ohioensis (Weed 1889a) = Odielluspictus (Wood 1868). Egaenus and Lacinius do not occur anywhere in the Americas. Range extensions (i.e., new provinces or states) are given for Liopilio glaber (1 new extension), Lophopilio palpinalis (1, introduced; new record for North America), Mitopus morio (2 new provinces), Odiellus pictus (3 new provinces; 1 new USA county), Rilaena triangularis (1, introduced), Opilioparietinus (2, possibly introduced), and Phalangium opilio (18, possibly introduced). Taxonomic changes are: lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for Mitopus californicus Banks 1895, Odiellus pictus argentus Edgar 1966, and Oligolophus montanus Banks 1893c; Lacinius texanus Banks 1893a = Odiellus pictus (Wood 1868), new synonym; Mitopus californicus Banks 1895 = Opilio parietinus (De Geer 1778), new synonym; Mitopus dorsalis Banks 1900 = Mitopus morio Pabricius (1779), new synonym; Parodiellus projectus Goodnight and Goodnight 1942a (Phalangiidae) = Protolophus niger Goodnight and Goodnight 1942b (Protolophidae), new synonym, new family rank; Opilio chickeringi = Lanthanopilio chickeringi is placed in the "Metopilio group", new status; and Phalangium rudipalpe Gervais 1849 = Genus and species inquirenda (Sclerosomatidae: Gagrellinae), new status. Anew subgeneric name, Slimlepto, is given for the parvulus group of Leptobunus. A taxonomic key to the valid Phalangiidae of the Americas is provided.