Radiation hard Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors are used
at the Silicon Tracker for the detection of two-dimensional position
andenergy measurement of the incident protons in the R3B experiment
at FAIR. Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors were fabricated by
Micron Semiconductor Ltd., U.K. and the first set of experimental
measurements havebeenperformed on the non-irradiated detectors in
order to understand the macroscopic performance of the detectors for
the tracker. This study is extended to the performance of the
irradiated detectors in the proton radiation environmentusing proton
radiation damage model. The detectors were irradiated with 23 MeV
protons up to an expected fluence of
8 × 1014 neq cm-2, which is one order
higher than expected fluence at an initial phase0 of the
experiment. The performance characteristics of the detectors on the
full depletion voltage, leakage current, and charge collection
efficiency were extrapolated using SRH and CCE modelling, which is
usually implemented in device TCAD. The results on the detectors
were compared with the available experimental data on the
detectors. A very good comparison between experimental data and
calculated resulthave been recorded for non-irradiated and
irradiated detectors. The agenda is to propose a proton radiation
hard Double Sided Silicon Strip Detector design on the basis of the
present study for the phase 1 upgrade of the experiment.