antioxidante, antiinfl amatória, antimicrobiana e hepatoprotetora. A comercialização dessa espécie é relevante, como droga farmacognóstica e insumo na indústria de bebidas. O presente trabalho trata da caracterização estrutural de folha e caule, de modo a contribuir na morfodiagnose para o controle de qualidade. Amostras do material vegetal foram fi xadas, seccionadas e coradas com azul de astra e fucsina básica. Testes microquímicos usuais foram realizados. A folha apresenta estômatos anomocíticos na face abaxial, tricomas tectores unicelulares em ambas as superfícies, mesofi lo dorsiventral, drusas de oxalato de cálcio, nervura central biconvexa e pecíolo plano-convexo, ambos percorridos por feixe vascular colateral. O caule, no nível analisado, possui epiderme unisseriada, camada subepidérmica de células colabadas, bainha esclerenquimática, estrato de células com paredes espessadas em U, organização vascular colateral e medula com células parenquimáticas e esclerenquimáticas. Esclereídes são encontradas na folha e no caule.Unitermos: Camellia sinensis, chá-da-índia, chá-preto, chá-verde, controle de qualidade, esclereíde.ABSTRACT: "Leaf and stem anatomical morpho-diagnosis of Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze, Theaceae". Camellia sinensis is a shrub or small tree, of Asian origin and commonly called Chinese tea, green tea or black tea. This species has antioxidant, anti-infl ammatory, antimicrobial and hepatic protective activities. Its trade is relevant, either as pharmacognostic drug or raw material in food industry. This work has dealt with the structural diagnosis of the leaf and stem, in order to contribute to its quality control. Samples of the botanical material were fi xed, sectioned and stained with astra blue and basic fuchsine. Microchemical tests were also conducted. The leaf has anomocytic stomata on the abaxial side, unicellular non-glandular trichomes on both surfaces, dorsiventral mesophyll, calcium oxalate druses, biconvex midrib and plain-convex petiole, both traversed by a collateral vascular bundle. The stem, on the level analysed, shows uniseriate epidermis, sub-epidermal layer of dehydrated cells, sclerenchymatic sheath, strand of cells with U-thickened walls, collateral vascular organization and pith consisting of parenchymatic and sclerenchymatic cells. Sclereids are found in the leaf and stem.